Characterization of Atp8a2 antibodies by Western blotting. Western blots of membranes (10 μg of protein) from HEK293T cells transfected with human, bovine, or mouse Atp8a2–1D4 vector or empty vector (Mock) together with bovine ROSs (30 μg of protein) were labeled with the Atp6C11 and Atp2F6 monoclonal antibodies to Atp8a2 and the Rho 1D4 monoclonal antibody to the 1D4 epitope. The same 130-kDa bovine protein was detected in both the HEK293T and ROS membrane samples. The Atp6C11 labeled the human, bovine, and mouse Atp8a2, whereas the Atp2F6 antibody was specific for the bovine protein. No labeling was observed in membranes from mock-transfected cells.