Figure 3.
The V. cholerae toxR+ strain expressing OmpT in place of OmpU demonstrates a colonization defect. Assay was performed as described in Materials and Methods. Strain KKV780 (ΔompU) carrying either plasmid pKEK253 (Up-U) or pKEK257 (Up-T) was coinoculated with isogenic strain KKV598 (O395 ΔlacZ). The competitive index is the ratio of output mutant/wild type (recovered from small intestine) divided by the ratio of input mutant/wild type (inoculated into mouse); thus, if a mutant strain has no colonization defect, we expect a competitive index close to 1. Data points represent individual mice. Value for colonization of KKV780/Up-T had a P value < 0.01 when compared with the value for colonization of KKV780/Up-U by using the Student's two-tailed t test.