Table 1.
Elements of tumor marker studies that constitute Levels of Evidence determination*
Category | A | B | C | D |
Element | Prospective | Prospective using archived samples | Prospective/observational | Retrospective/observational |
Clinical trial | PCT designed to address tumor marker | Prospective trial not designed to address tumor marker, but design accommodates tumor marker utility | Prospective observational registry, treatment and follow-up not dictated | No prospective aspect to study |
Accommodation of predictive marker requires PRCT | ||||
Patients and patient data | Prospectively enrolled, treated, and followed in PCT | Prospectively enrolled, treated, and followed in clinical trial and, especially if a predictive utility is considered, a PRCT addressing the treatment of interest | Prospectively enrolled in registry, but treatment and follow-up standard of care | No prospective stipulation of treatment or follow-up; patient data collected by retrospective chart review |
Specimen collection, processing, and archival | Specimens collected, processed, and assayed for specific marker in real time | Specimens collected, processed, and archived prospectively using generic SOPs. Assayed after trial completion | Specimens collected, processed, and archived prospectively using generic SOPs. Assayed after trial completion | Specimens collected, processed and archived with no prospective SOPs |
Statistical design and analysis | Study powered to address tumor marker question | Study powered to address therapeutic question and underpowered to address tumor marker question | Study not prospectively powered at all. Retrospective study design confounded by selection of specimens for study | Study not prospectively powered at all. Retrospective study design confounded by selection of specimens for study |
Focused analysis plan for marker question developed before doing assays | Focused analysis plan for marker question developed before doing assays | No focused analysis plan for marker question developed before doing assays | ||
Validation | Result unlikely to be play of chance | Result more likely to be play of chance that A but less likely than C | Result very likely to be play of chance | Result very likely to be play of chance |
Although preferred, validation not required | Requires one or more validation studies | Requires subsequent validation studies | Requires subsequent validation |
PCT = prospective controlled trial; PRCT = prospective randomized controlled trial; SOPs = standard operating practices.