Figure 1.
Leaf Phenotype in nov Mutants.
(A) to (G) Leaf venation pattern. Cleared samples of the first or second rosette leaves of 19-d-old wild type (C24 in [A]) and nov-1 ([B] and [C]). Cotyledons and fifth rosette leaves of 38-d-old wild type (Col in [D] and [F]) and nov-3 ([E] and [G]), respectively.
(H) to (N) Expression of provascular markers. Wild-type leaf primordia show J1511-GFP ([H] and [I]) and ATHB8pro:GUS ([K] and [M]) expression in provascular cells. nov-1 develops leaf primordia with no J1511-GFP (J) or ATHB8pro:GUS expression in provascular cells ([L] and [N]).
(O) to (V) Expression of the auxin response marker DR5 in wild type (DR5pro:GUS in [O] and [Q]; DR5pro:GFP in [S] and [U]) and nov-1 (DR5pro:GUS in [P] and [R]; DR5pro:GFP in [T] and [V]). In the presence of the synthetic auxin, 2,4-D, DR5 is similarly expressed in wild type (Q) and nov-1 (R). Samples in (K) to (T) are taken from plants grown at 27°C, as nov-1 phenotype is strengthened at higher temperature. For comparison, ATHB8 expression at 27°C ([L] and [N]) and at 21 to 22°C (see Supplemental Figure 1 online) is shown. lp, leaf primordium; m, shoot apical meristem.
Bars = 1 mm in (A) to (G), (K), and (L), 50 μm in (H) and (J), 0.5 mm in (I), (M) to (O), and (Q), 0.25 mm in (P) and (R), and 20 μm in (S) to (V).