Figure 4.
Embryonic and Seedling Phenotype in the nov-1 gnomR5 Double Mutant.
Embryonic and seedling phenotype in the wild type ([N] and [T]), nov-1 ([O] and [U]), weak allele gnomR5 ([A], [P], and [V]), strong allele gnomB (G), and nov-1 gnomR5 ([B] to [F], [H] to [M], [Q] to [S], and [W]). Samples were taken from seedlings ([A] to [E], [H] to [M], and [T] to [W]), developing ovules ([F] and [G]), and imbibed seeds ([N] to [S]). nov-1 gnomR5 is shown with either strong phenotype ([B] to [F], [H] to [M], and [Q] to [S]) or a relatively weak phenotype (W). Samples in (B), (D), (H), and (L) were cleared and shown in (C), (E), (I), and (M), respectively. nov-1 gnomR5 with strong phenotype failed to develop the primary root ([B] to [F], [H], [I], [L], [M], and [R]), cotyledons ([D] to [F], [R], and [S]), and, in some cases, developed multiple cotyledons either fused or not ([H] to [M] and [Q]). In nov-1 gnomR5 with a weak phenotype, development of lignified xylem strands is repressed at the cotyledon-hypocotyl junction (an arrow in [W]). gnR5, gnomR5; gnB, gnomB. Bars = 1 mm in (A), (J), (K), and (T) to (W), 0.2 mm in (B) to (E), 20 μm in (F) and (G), 0.5 mm in (H), (I), (L), and (M), and 50 μm in (N) to (S).