Transphosphorylation between phot1 Molecules in the Presence or Absence of LOV1.
(A) Autoradiograph showing light-dependent transphosphorylation of a kinase-inactive version of phot1 (phot1D806N) by GST-phot1 and vice versa in protein extracts from insect cells. Immunoblot analysis of phot1 protein levels is shown below.
(B) Autoradiograph showing light-dependent transphosphorylation of a kinase-inactive version of phot1 (phot1D806N) by the phot1LOV2K in protein extracts from insect cells. Immunoblot analysis of phot1 protein levels is shown on the right.
(C) Fluorescence images of a kinase inactive version of phot1-GFP (phot1-GFPD806N) coexpressed with nonfluorescently labeled phot1LOV2K in tobacco leaf epidermis show that phot1LOV2K can induce light-dependent internalization of phot1-GFPD806N (indicated by white arrows). Bar = 20 μm.
[See online article for color version of this figure.]