Identification of Phosphorylation Sites Regulating phot1 Internalization.
(A) The LOV2-kinase region of phot1 (phot1-GFPLOV2K) undergoes blue light–dependent relocalization (indicated by the white arrows).
(B) Mutation of Ser-849 to Ala in phot12xLOV1 does not impair internalization in darkness (indicated by white arrows).
(C) Mutation of Ser-851 to Ala in phot12xLOV1 severely impacts the formation of cytosolic structures in darkness.
(D) Mutation of both Ser-849 and Ser-851 to Ala in phot12xLOV1 impairs internalization in darkness.
(E) Mutation of Ser-851 to Asp in phot1-GFP induces the formation of cytosolic structures in darkness (indicated by white arrows).
Bars = 20 μm.
[See online article for color version of this figure.]