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. 2009 Nov 10;9:28. doi: 10.1186/1472-698X-9-28

Table 2.

Household management of child illness (< 5 years) in the district of Djenné, Mali, Community health worker survey, April 2006 (n = 401).

Knowledge/practice of the caregiver regarding specific illnesses Number % CI 95%
Management of fever *:
  Chloroquine 149 37.0 32.4 -- 42.1
  Paracetamol 42 11.0 7.7 -- 14.0
  Chloroquine + Paracetamol 162 40.0 35.6 -- 45.4
  other 48 12.0 9.0 -- 15.7
Treatment of diarrhoea* :
  ORS ± 43 10.7 8.0 -- 14.3
  SSS ± 5 1.2 0.5 -- 3.1
  Oxytetracycline 111 27.7 23.4 -- 32.4
  Other** 96 23.9 19.9 -- 28.5
  Traditional** 96 23.9 19.9 -- 28.5
  Other over counter drugs** 18 4.5 2.8 -- 7.1
  Doing nothing 29 7.2 5.0 -- 10.3
Correct knowledge of dosage
  Chloroquine 85 21.2 17.4 -- 25.6
  Paracetamol 179 44.6 39.7 -- 49.7
Possession of « household kit »
  Yes 47 11.8 8.9 -- 15.5
  No 352 88.2 84.6 -- 91.2
Presence of drugs in the household
  Chloroquine 73 18.2 14.6 -- 22.4
  Paracetamol 42 10.5 7.7 -- 14.0
  ORS 3 0.7 0.2 -- 2.4
  Over counter drugs 18 4.5 2.8 -- 7.1
Presence/use of bed net
  Presence 315 78.6 74.1 -- 82.4
  Being used 216 57.8 52.8 -- 62.8
  Impregnated 64 16.6 12.9 -- 20.3
Presence of iodized salt in the household
  Iodized salt 376 98.7 96.8 -- 99.5

C.I. = confidence interval

± ORS = oral rehydration therapy; SSS = home-made salt/sugar solution

* Correct answer: for fever: chloroquine plus paracetamol, for diarrhoea SRO (26)

** Other: other drugs bought in the formal market, example: amoxiciline, drugs for a cold; traditional: beavers based on local plants; over the counter drugs: drugs acquired through the informal system.