Figure 4. siRNA transfections result in upregulation of genes with sites for endogenous miRNAs, have a dose-response and dynamics similar to targeted effect but in opposite direction.
b. A bar graph of the dose of siRNA transfection ranging 0.16nM–100nM versus mean log(expression change) in XNC(grey) and 90th percentile of DNC ≥2 – XNC (green). The graph shows that the putative saturation effect on the endogenous target genes has a dose response similar to the siRNA targeted genes but in the opposite direction. c. A bar graph of mean log(expression change) of XNC(grey) and 90th percentile of DNC ≥2 – XNC (green) versus time. d. A bar graph of log(expression change) versus putative endogenously regulated genes SCML2, TNRC6, YOD1, CX3CL1, AKAP12, and PGM2L1, and a set of MAPK14-siRNA (‘off-targets’) MAPK14 (light-green), MARK2, SLC35F3, HMGB3, FZD7, RPA2, IER5L, at a series of time points over 3 days (genes displayed in this order, from left to right).