EEG abnormalities in Arx(GCG)10+7 mice. A, Mutants under 21 d of age display sharp spike-slow wave transients followed by attenuation of background activity and an increase in high-frequency background rhythmic activity. The arrow indicates the beginning of a myoclonic twitch associated behaviorally with sudden head drop. This pattern is not seen in older mutants. The record is from temporal electrodes. B, EEG recording of a representative 29 s spontaneous generalized seizure seen in 19-d-old (and older) adult mutants. Slow versive movements of the head accompany these EEG seizures. C, The 6/s spike wave bursts accompanied by behavioral arrest are seen in mutants starting at 14 d through late adulthood. Recording electrode montage: L, left; R, right; F, frontal; T, temporal; P, parietal; O, occipital.