Validation of randomly selected mir-210 target genes identified by miRNP-IP. A) pGL3-promoter vector and B) CTGF 3′ UTR construct were used as negative controls. They are not responsive to expression of either wild type or mutant mir-210. C-G) Reporter luciferase activity are repressed or relieved by co-transfecting mir-210 wild type or mutant expression vector with HOXA1, HOXA9, TP53I11, PIM1, and FGFRL1 3′ UTR constructs. H) The mutations in mir-210 expression construct. The four-nucleotide mutation was introduced in the seed region of mir-210. Each reporter assay was repeated at least three times. Error bar indicates standard deviation. Student’s t-test was performed for statistical analysis, ** p< 0.001, * p<0.05.