(A) Sequence logo representing the position weight matrix of the consensus FOX:ETS motif used in a genome-wide scan.
(B) The FOX:ETS motif is overrepresented in endothelial genes when compared to housekeeping and skeletal-muscle expressed genes.
(C) Identification of five novel endothelial-specific enhancers from the whole-genome screen based on the presence of a FOX:ETS motif. The upper row of photos shows representative whole-mount X-gal stained transient transgenic embryos at E9.5 from the ECE1, FLT4, PDGFRβ, NRP1, and FOXP1 genes. Each directed strong lacZ expression specifically to the endothelium, which can be clearly seen in transverse sections taken from each of the transient transgenic analyses at E9.5 (lower row of photos). CV, cardinal vein; DA, dorsal aorta; hrt, heart; LV, left ventricle; NT, neural tube; RV, right ventricle; SV, sinus venosus.