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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2009 Nov 25.
Published in final edited form as: J Toxicol Environ Health B Crit Rev. 2007;10(Suppl 1):1–269. doi: 10.1080/10937400701597766

Table 23.

Epidemiological studies of occupational exposure to aluminium and cancer.

Reference Study Location Design Exposure Outcome Association Significance Comments
Armstrong et al. (2004) 4 countries Meta-analysis: 36 cohorts – 3 case-controls samples – 1 case cohort PAH Lung cancer +/-
Moulin et al. (2000) France, 1950- 1994 Cohort of male workers from an aluminium reduction plant (n=2,133) 335 died. Proxy for PAH Bladder cancer (7) SMR = 1.77 (0.71-3.64) - - few events
Lung cancer (19) SMR = 0.63 (0.38-0.98) + - a possible negative confounding by smoking (for lung cancer)
Romundstad et al. (2000b) Norway, 1953- 1996 Cohort of male workers from an aluminium plant (n=11,103). Job exposure matrix for PAH Bladder cancer (130) SIR = 1.3 (1.1-1.5) + - adjusted for smoking habits
Lung cancer (189) SIR = 1. (0.9-1.2) - - 6 study plants
Kidney cancer (55) SIR = 1.1 (0.8-1.4) -
Pancreatic cancer (46) SIR = 0.9 (0.7-1.2) -
Romundstad et al. (2000a) Norway, 1953- 1995 Cohort of male workers from an aluminium plant (n=1,790). Job exposure matrix for PAH Bladder cancer (23) SIR = 1.3 (0.8-1.9) - - adjusted for smoking habits
Lung cancer (27) SIR = 0.9 (0.6-1.3) - - only one study plant (limited study size)
Ronneberg et al.. (1999) Norway, 1953- 1993 Cohort of male workers from an aluminium smelter (n=5,908). PAH Bladder cancer (36) (production subcohort) SIR = 1.52 for ≥ 1200μg/m3 (p =0.03 for trend) + - bladder cancer and PAH exposure 30 years or more before observation
Lung cancer (93) SIR = 0.96 (0.69-1.29) - - significant excess of lung cancers for short-term workers (<4 years)
Selden et al. (1997) Sweden, 1958-1992 Cohort of workers from aluminium foundries and secondary aluminium smelters (n=6,454). Proxy for PAH Bladder cancer (19) SIR = 0.87 (0.52-1.36) - - lung cancer risks higher in short duration of employment (< 5 years)
Lung cancer (51) SIR = 1.49 (1.11-1.96) + - anorectal cancers not etiologically linked to occupational risk factors
Anorectal cancer (33) SIR = 2.13 (1.47-2.99) +
Sinonasal cancer (4) SIR = 4.70 (1.28-12.01) +
Schroeder et al. (1997) U.S., 1941-1985 Case-controls study of automotive workers (667 cases, 3,041 matched controls) Aluminium machining Lung cancer OR = 2.85 (1.43-5.68) (for 0.9-1.7 years of exposure v.s. 0, for 20 years lagged exposure) + All workers exposed to aluminium were also exposed to soluble oils
Armstrong et al. (1994) Canada, 1950-1988 Case-controls (338 deaths) and a random sub-cohort (1,138 subjects) of workers from an aluminium production plant Benzo-a-pyrene/ Benzene- soluble matter Lung cancer OR = 2.25 (1.50-3.38) (for 10-19 mg/m3-years benzene soluble) + -adjusted for smoking habits
Spinelli et al. (1991) Canada, 1950- 1985 Cohort of workers from an aluminium production plant (n=4,213). Proxy for PAH Bladder cancer (incident=16, death=3) SIR = 1.69 (1.06-2.57) + - limited study size
SMR = 1.37 (0.37-3.54) - adjusted for smoking habits
Lung cancer (incident=37, death=32) SIR = 0.97 (0.73-1.28) -
SMR = 0.93 (0.68-1.25) +
Brain cancer (incident=8, death=10) SIR = 1.94 (0.97-3.50) -
SMR = 2.17 (1.18-3.68) +
Mur et al. (1987) France, 1950- 1976 Cohort of workers from an aluminium production plant (n=6,455). None Bladder cancer (7) SMR = 2.09 (0.96-3.68) - - limited study size
Lung cancer (37) SMR = 1.14 (0.85-1.48) - - lack of information on the cause of death for 29% of the deaths
Edling et al. (1987) Sweden, 1958- 1983 Cohort of workers manufacturing abrasive materials (n=521) Total dust All cancers (17) SMR = 0.93 (0.5-1.5) - - limited study size
Lung cancer (2) SIR = 0.57 (0.1-2.1) -
Gibbs (1985) Canada, 1950- 1977 Cohorts of aluminium smelters (n=5,406) Proxy for PAH Malignant neoplasm: (ever exposed)
Bladder (12) SMR = 1.61 - - limited study size
Lung (101) SMR = 1.43 (p< .05) + - exposure on or before 1950-1951
Rockette & Arena1 (1983) U.S. Cohorts of aluminium reduction workers (n= 21,829) None (more than 20 years of expsure) - A factor common to the plants would be related to the excess of pancreatic cancers
Lung cancer (27) SMR = 1.01 -
Pancreatic (16) SMR = 1.98 (p<0.05) +