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. 2009 Jul 8;29(27):8774–8783. doi: 10.1523/JNEUROSCI.0115-09.2009

Table 2.

MRI parameters

Sample MRI scanner MRI protocol
1 Siemens Symphony Quantum Two 3D MP-RAGE T1-weighted sequences
TR/TE/TI/FA = 2730 ms/4 ms/1000 ms/7°
Matrix = 192 × 256
Scan time: 8.5 min per volume
Each volume consisted of 128 sagittal slices (1.33 × 1 × 1 mm)
2 Siemens Sonata Two 3D MP-RAGE T1-weighted sequences
TR/TE/TI/FA = 2730 ms/3.43 ms/1000 ms/7°
Matrix: 256 × 256
Scan time: 8 min and 46 s per volume
Each volume consisted of 128 sagittal slices (1.33 × 1 × 1 mm)
3 General Electric Signa One 3D SPGR pulse T1-weighted sequence
TR/TE/FA = 24 ms/6.0 ms/35°, number of excitations was 2
Matrix: 256 × 192
Each volume consisted of 1.5 mm coronal slices, no gap, FOV = 24 cm
4, 5, and 8 Siemens Vision 3–4 individual T1-weighted MP-RAGE sequences
TR/TE/TI/FA = 9.7 ms/4.0 ms/20 ms/10°
Matrix = 256 × 256
Each volume consisted of 128 sagittal slices (1.25 × 1 × 1 mm).
6 General Electric Signa One 3D SPGR pulse T1-weighted sequence
TR/TE/FA = 24 ms/5.0 ms/30°
Matrix = 256 × 192
Each volume consisted of 124 contiguous axial slices (1.30 × 0.94 × 0.86 mm), FOV = 22 cm
7 Siemens Avanto Two 3D MP-RAGE T1-weighted sequences
TR/TE/TI/FA = 2400 ms/3.61 ms/1000 ms/8°
Matrix: 192 × 192
Scan time: 7 min and 42 s per volume
Each volume consisted of 160 sagittal slices (1.25 × 1.25 × 1.20 mm)

FOV, Field of view; FA, flip angle; TR, repetition time; TE, echo time; TI, inversion time; MP-RAGE, magnetization-prepared rapid gradient echo; SPGR, spoiled gradient recalled.