Figure 5.
Notch signaling inhibits myelination. (a) PCR shows downregulation of Notch1, Notch2 and Hes1, and upregulation of Jagged1 and Jagged2 in myelinating Schwann cells (M-SC) compared to non-myelinating cells (NM-SC). (b–f) Western blots show reduced endogenous NICD after Ad-K20 infection of Schwann cells (b), increased endogenous NICD in P7 sciatic nerves from Krox20–/– mice (c), reduced exogenous NICD after Ad-K20 infection at 1 (D1) and 2 (D2) d in culture, with exposure to X-ray film too short to reveal endogenous NICD (d), abolition of Ad-K20-mediated suppression of NICD expression by the proteosome inhibitors MG132 and lactacystein (e), and elevated NICD in P0-cre+CALSL-NICD nerves at birth (NB) but not at P7 (f). GAPDH/β-tubulin: loading control. (g) Enforced NICD expression reduces myelinating Schwann cells (arrows) in mutant nerves (quantification: Supplementary Table 4). (h) Schwann cells with thin (arrowheads) or thick myelin sheaths (arrows) in P5 nerves with or without enforced NICD expression. Graph depicts the frequency of Schwann cells at different myelin thickness and polynomial trend regression lines. The difference between mutants and controls was significant (quantification: Supplementary Table 4). (i) Ratio of myelinating to pro-myelinating Schwann cells (MS per PS); (j) frequency of Schwann cells at a particular myelin thickness, in control and NICD-overexpressing P2 nerves with normal (Mutant-K20+/+) or lower (Mutant-K20+/–) Krox20 levels. The mice with reduced Krox20 had significantly reduced myelination (quantification: Supplementary Table 4).