Fig. 4.
Inflammatory cells in the rat ON one day post-ON ischemia. (A) ED1 immunoreactivity. Scattered ED1(+) cells are detectable in the anterior ON as well as in the peripapillary choroid (C; long arrows). A few ED1(+) cells are also seen scattered throughout the intrascleral and adjacent posterior portions of the ON (short arrows). The lower panel shows a better view of the increased choroidal (C) ED1(+) cells without Hoechst counterstaining, compared with the ED1 staining in normal peripapillary choroid in Fig. 3A. (B) Iba1 immunoreactivity. There is a moderate increase in Iba1(+) cells in the anterior ON (arrows) and in the peripapillary choroid (C). In the posterior ON, Iba1(+) cells appeared more amoeboid and less ramified (enhanced contrast inset: short arrows). Bar=50 µm.