Figure 8.
LC/ESI/MS/MS analysis of putative isoLG-lysoPE-HL adducts in plasma extract with PLA2 treatment before and after pentafluorobenzyl (PFB) esterification: (A) MRM for isoLG-lysoPE- HL before PFB derivatization; (B) MRM for isoLG-lysoPE-HL after PFB derivatization; (C) MRM for PFB derivative of isoLG-lysoPE-HL before PFB derivatization; (B) MRM for PFB derivative of isoLG-lysoPE-HL after PFB derivatization; (E) synthetic PFB derivative standard of iso[4]LG-lysoPE-HL adducts. In panel B, the intensity of the signal (3.18e4, with the asterisk) was obtained by normalizing to the intensity of the largest peak in panel A (3.18e4) from its original intensity 1.05e3. In panel C, the intensity of the signal (6.51e3, with the asterisk) was obtained by normalizing to the intensity of the largest peak in panel D (6.51e3) from its original intensity 1.26e3. In panels A, D and E, the intensities shown are the intensity of the largest peak in each chromatogram. The peak attributed to isoLG-lysoPE-HL disappears upon treatment with PFB-Br and a new peak appears corresponding to the expected PFB ester.