Fig. 1.
Induction of metallothionein or α-tubulin with RP S7 internal control in the fifth generation of An. gambiae s.s. third instar larvae treatment by heavy metals: Panel A shows products of multiplex PCR amplification cDNA from control and heavy metal tolerant populations. The products were fractionated by agarose gel electrophoresis. The larvae were subjected to five successive generational selections with separate exposures to cadmium, copper and lead of which each selection exposure lasted 24h. Panel B shows the mean expression quantities of metallothionein or α-tubulin (ng) when normalised with expressions of An. gambiae ribosomal protein S7 (RP S7). The expression quantities of metallothionein in the treatments were measured in independent triplicate; the means of the experiments are presented, and the bars represent the standard errors.