Figure 3.
T7 bacteriophage DNA molecule, nicked by Nt.BspQI and fluorochrome labeled. Two-color fluorescence micrograph showing a T7 bacteriophage DNA molecule stained with YOYO-1 (green) with Nt.BspQI nick sites labeled by nick translation using a mix containing Alexa Fluor 647-aha-dUTP (red punctates). Punctates are revealed by FRET, two-color, imaging techniques using YOYO-1 excitation (green channel) supporting energy transfer to covalently incorporated Alexa fluorophore, which fluoresce for imaging in the red channel. Below, an Nt.BspQI restriction map of T7 with fragment sizes noted. Nick sites are indicated by red lines/arrows indicating strand location and direction of nick translational action. The bar represents 1 micron.