Figure 1. Bidirectional selective breeding produces significant differences in MA consumption.
(a) Means (± SEM; some error bars may be hidden by symbols) for the original B6D2F2 population and the parents and offspring of generations S1–S4 of short-term selection for high (MAHDR) and low (MALDR) MA drinking. Data shown are the average of consumption on the second and fourth days of access to the 40 mg/L MA solution. (b) Drug preference for the original B6D2F2 population and the offspring of generations S1–S4, calculated as the ratio of the volume of drug solution consumed over the total volume of fluid consumed. Data shown are the average preference on the second and fourth days of access to the 40 mg/L MA solution. (c) Offspring of the selected lines also differed in consumption of 20 mg/L MA. Data shown are means (± SEM) of average consumption on the second and fourth days of access. (n = 112–159 animals tested in each generation).