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. 2009 Nov 9;3:19. doi: 10.3389/neuro.04.019.2009

Table 1.

AAV and LV vectors with fugu promoters.

Gene/promoter Symbol(a) Transgene Genomic titer (genomes/ml) Promoter length(b) Target cell-type Glia expression(c) Excitatory neuron expression(c) Inhibitory neuron expression(c)
Calretinin AAV-fCR GFP 9.70E + 10 2595 Inhibitory neuron subtype (CR) + +
Neuropeptide Y AAV-fNPY GFP 6.70E + 10 2605 Inhibitory neuron subtype (NPY) +++
Somatostatin AAV-fSST GFP 1.40E + 11 2597 Inhibitory neuron subtype (SST) +++
RFP 5.92E + 11 + +++
Parvalbumin AAV-fPV GFP 1.20E + 11 2395 Inhibitory neuron subtype (PV) ++ ++
Secreted Frizzled Receptor Protein 2 AAV-fSFRP2 GFP 2.70E + 11 1218 Inhibitory neuron subtype (SST) + +
Titin Cap AAV-fTCAP GFP 2.00E + 11 2656 Inhibitory neuron subtype (PV) + + +
α-calcium/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II AAV-fCAMK GFP 4.5E + 10 2567 Excitatory neurons ++ ++
Calretinin LV-fCR GFP 2.01E + 10 6326 Inhibitory neuron subtype (CR) + +
Neuropeptide Y LV-fNPY GFP 4.51E + 10 6443 Inhibitory neuron subtype (NPY) + +
Somatostatin LV-fSST GFP 4406 Inhibitory neuron subtype (SST) + +
Parvalbumin LV-fPV GFP 3.54E + 10 2893 Inhibitory neuron subtype (PV) ++ +

(a) Adeno-associated virus (AAV) and lentivirus (LV). Fugu derived sequences are denoted by the prefix “f”.

(b) Length of the promoter used in the virus (bases).

(c) Scoring is from mouse injections to somatosensory cortex.