Fig. 1.
HYSCORE spectra in contour presentation of the reduced Rieske-type [2Fe-2S] cluster in the uniformly 15N-labeled ARF, recorded at the gz (A) and gy (B) areas of the EPR line. The (ν1)2-versus-(ν2)2 plot for recalculated frequencies at a common νI=1.511 MHz (C) [25], where all data points for the cross-peaks correlating 15Nδ1 (open circle) and 15Nδ2 (filled circle), respectively, of 15N-ARF fell along straight line with slope and intercept: Q1=2.44 (S.E. 0.07), G1=13.7 (S.E. 0.2) MHz2 (for 15Nδ1) and Q2=2.07 (S.E. 0.04), G2=16.2 (S.E. 0.2) MHz2 (for 15Nδ2). These parameters gave the anisotropic HF tensor 15a=6.5 MHz, 15T=1.5 MHz for 15Nδ1, and 15a=7.9 MHz, 15T=1.6 MHz for 15Nδ2 (see Table 1). The heavy curve (C) is defined by |ν1+ν2|=2νI. Magnetic field, time τ, and microwave frequency, respectively: 342.5 mT (near gz), 136 ns, 9.695 GHz (A); 363.1 mT (near gy), 136 ns, 9.695 GHz (B).