Hypothesis 0: Date of eclosion modulates longevity.
Conclusion: Yes, date of eclosion is very important to LS even though all cohorts were treated the same as larvae.
Hypothesis 1: Caloric restriction extends LS.
Relevant findings are:
LS is weakly sensitive to CR treatment.
CR can: (i) favor longevity, (ii) show no beneficial effects, and (iii) reduce LS for certain cohorts, SY treatments, and reproduction activity.
Manipulation of CR is not associated with real life extension.
Conclusion: No consistent CR-effects on life extension across cohorts, SY, and reproduction are revealed.
Hypothesis 2: Manipulation of Dietary Composition can extent LS.
Relevant findings are:
All cohorts are sensitive to changes in SY. This sensitivity can in part be attributed to the detrimental effect of the pure sugar diet.
Pure sugar diet is consistently unfavorable for longevity across cohorts.
Mexflies from distinct cohorts responded markedly differently to SY.
LS is more sensitive to SY treatment compared to CR treatment even with the pure sugar diet excluded.
Manipulation of SY can be associated with real life extension.
Very high yeast negatively affects survival for females irrespective of reproduction.
Conclusion: Generally yes, there is an optimal SY treatment which is specific for males and for both fertile and non-fertile females, but the effects vary much among eclosion cohorts.
Hypothesis 3: DR-induced reduced reproduction extends life span.
Relevant findings are:
Cohorts that do not respond to SY (HC sample):
The variability in survival is slightly higher for non-fertile females than for fertile females.
There is no consistent SY treatment which could be the most favorable for LS either for fertile or non-fertile flies.
Fertile females have smaller baseline mortality risks than non-fertile females for all ages.
Cohorts that do respond to SY (LHC sample):
The variability in survival is tremendously higher for non-fertile females than for fertile females.
Non-fertile females show remarkable consistency for the effect of SY on LS with SY=9:1 treatment as the most and SY=3:1 treatment as the least favorable diet for LS.
Fertile females have smaller mortality risks at younger ages whereas at older ages non-fertile females have smaller mortality risks.
Cohorts that do and do not respond to SY:
Conclusion: Not so much, the non-fertile flies of particular cohorts respond most to DR.
Hypothesis 4: Reproduction depends on protein intake.
Conclusion: Yes, protein intake is the dominant factor determining female reproduction.
Hypothesis 5: There is no sex differential in response to DR.
Relevant findings are:
CR-patterns of mean LS for different SY levels are much more similar across the sexes than across the cohorts.
Very high yeast is favorable for longevity for males but not for females irrespective of females’ fertility.
Conclusion: There are some differences between the sexes in responses to SY, but the effects of CR are similar for the sexes.