Figure 8 shows ambulatory distance traveled within the first 30 minutes of the drug expression session. Experimental AVP 4-9 subjects traveled a greater ambulatory distance than control MC, experimental MC (###, p<0.001), control vehicle (**, p<0.01) and control AVP 4-9 (Δ, p<0.05). Experimental vehicle subjects traveled a greater ambulatory distance than control vehicle and control AVP 4-9 (•, p<0.05) control MC and experimental MC (++, p<0.01). No significant difference was found between the others groups (p>0.05). Exp AVP =Experimental AVP 4-9 treated subjects, Ctrl AVP= Control AVP 4-9 treated subjects, Exp MC= Experimental Manning Compound treated subjects, Ctrl MC= Control Manning Compound treated subjects, Exp and Ctrl Vehicle Experimental and Control Subjects treated with saline.