Amplitude of centripetal ciliary process (CP), centripetal lens, and forward ciliary body (FCB) movements during ∼3 diopters of accommodation. A) Data are gonioscopically measured centripetal CP and lens movement amplitudes plotted versus age in 25 eyes of 18 rhesus monkeys. The CP and lens regression analysis showed one outlier at age 16 (arrows). The CP movement value was almost twice the next nearest value at this age. Results of a regression analysis without this monkey included are: (CP slope=0.0112 ± 0.0022, n=17, p= 0.001, r=0.79; Lens slope=0.0029 ± 0.00150, n=17, p=0.07, r=0.45). B) Ultrasound biomicroscopically measured FCB movement (Croft et al., 2006a), plotted versus age in 17 eyes of 11 rhesus monkeys. The lines represent least squares linear regression of the CP, FCB, or lens response amplitude versus age. Numbers represent slopes ± s.e.m.; P, probability that the slope=0.0; r=correlation coefficient. For both panels A and B, for instances in which there were two eyes from one monkey, the data were averaged to provide one data point.