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. 2009 Oct 29;4:14. doi: 10.1186/1748-7188-4-14

Table 4.

Prediction accuracy of iTriplet versus four others motif finding methods.

Algorithms Nucleotide level Binding level Motif level
nPC nSn nSp nF sPC sSn sSp sF mSr sSr
iTriplet 0.195 0.292 0.322 0.286 0.319 0.489 0.418 0.422 0.853 0.591
MEME 0.180 0.551 0.214 0.296 0.258 0.733 0.280 0.397 1.000 0.817
WEEDER 0.128 0.274 0.245 0.208 0.263 0.538 0.332 0.367 0.833 0.532
BioProspector 0.102 0.372 0.129 0.179 0.212 0.704 0.224 0.328 0.986 0.670
MotifSampler 0.052 0.257 0.068 0.091 0.106 0.422 0.111 0.162 0.461 0.392

PC, Sn, Sp and F are performance coefficient, sensitivity, specificity and F-measure level respectively. Prefixes 'n' and 's' represent nucleotide or binding site level measurements respectively. mSr and sSr are motif and sequence level accuracy respectively.