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. 2007 Jan 30;14(1):114–121. doi: 10.1007/s00534-006-1163-8

Table 1.

Diagnostic criteria for acute cholangitis

(A) Original
A. Clinical signs 1. Fever and/or chills
2. Jaundice
3. Abd. pain (RUQ, epigastric)
B. Laboratory data 4. Leukocytosis or elevation of CRP level
5. Elevation of ALP or γ-GTP level
C. Imaging findings 6. Biliary dilatation or etiology (stricture, tumor, stones)
Definite diagnosis (1) All items in A (Charcot’s triad)
(2) One or two items in A + all items in B + C
Note: acute hepatitis and other causes of acute abdomen should be excluded
(B) Proposed revision 1 at International Meeting
A. Clinical context and manifestations 1. History of biliary disease
2. Fever and/or chills
3. Jaundice
4. Abd. pain (RUQ, epigastric)
B. Laboratory data 5. Abnormal WBC count
6. Elevation of CRP level or other evidence of inflammatory response
7. Abnormal liver function tests (ALP, γ-GTP, AST, ALT)
C. Imaging findings 8. Biliary dilatation, inflammatory findings, or etiology (stricture, tumor, stones)
Definite diagnosis (1) Three or 4 items in A (Charcot’s triad)
(2) Any item in A + 2 items in B + C
Note: acute hepatitis and other causes of acute abdomen should be excluded
(C) Proposed revision 2 at International Meeting
A. Clinical context and manifestations 1. Fever and/or chills
2. Jaundice
3. Abd. pain (RUQ, epigastric)
B. Laboratory data 4. Abnormal WBC count
5. Elevation of CRP level or other evidence of inflammatory response
6. Abnormal liver function tests (ALP, γ-GTP, AST, ALT)
C. Imaging findings 7. Biliary dilatation, inflammatory findings, or etiology (stricture, tumor, stones)
Definite diagnosis (1) Any item in A + 2 items in B + C
Note: acute hepatitis and other causes of acute abdomen should be excluded
(D) Final version of diagnostic criteria for acute cholangitis
A. Clinical context and clinical manifestations 1. History of biliary disease
2. Fever and/or chills
3. Jaundice
4. Abdominal pain (RUQ or upper abdominal)
B. Laboratory data 5. Evidence of inflammatory responsea
6. Abnormal liver function testsb
C. Imaging findings 7. Biliary dilatation, or evidence of an etiology (stricture, stone, stent, etc)
Suspected diagnosis Two or more items in A
Definite diagnosis (1) Charcot’s triad (2 + 3 + 4)
(2) Two or more items in A + both items in B + C

a Abnormal WBC count, increased serum CRP level, and other changes indicating inflammation

b Increased serum ALP, γ-GTP (GGT), AST, and ALT levels