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. 2009 Nov 4;59(569):e376–e382. doi: 10.3399/bjgp09X473088
Reproducibility (% adequate)

Author, publication year Country Setting Study population Number of patients FEV1, % FVC, %
Primary care practice
 Schermer et al,I 2009 (current paper) The Netherlands Routine care Adults and children ≥12 years from 15 primary care practices 1091 43 40
 Tuomisto et al, 200827 Finland Routine care Patients from primary care health centres 489 78 to 80a,b
 Walters et al, 200828 Australia Research Adults from eight primary care practices 618 44 to 76a,c
 Eaton et al,II 19999 New-Zealand Research Adults and children from 30 primary care practices 1012 3 to 14a,c
 Schermer et al,I 200322 The Netherlands Research Patients with COPD recruited from 61 primary care practices 399 82d
 Zanconato et al,III 200529 Italy Research Children from 10 primary care paediatric practices 109 94a

Pulmonary function laboratory
 Enright et al,IV 200430 US Routine care Adult patients from one outpatient pulmonary function laboratory 18 000 >95 >90
 Enright et al,V 200015 US Routine care Public schools students aged 9–18 years from middle-income communities 4000 93 97
 Bellia et al,VI 200019 Italy Research Patients ≥65 years attending one of the 24 involved pulmonary or geriatric institutions 1622 >94 >87
 Stoller et al,II 199731 US Research Patients with severe α1 antitrypsin deficiency, from 37 hospitals 1090 >95 >91
 Enright et al,VII 199116 US Research Cigarette smokers 35 to 60 years of age included in a clinical trial 5887 >99

Studies conducted in pulmonary function laboratories are included as points of reference. Studies have used different definitions for reproducibility, which limits direct comparison of results.32

Definitions used in the respective studies are:


Two highest FEV1 values <5% and <200 ml;


Largest FEV1 values and largest FVC values ≤200 ml;


Two highest FEV1 values and FVC values ≤5%;


Difference between highest and second-highest FEV1 <150 mL;


FVC and FEV1 values at least 95% of the largest values;


Difference between highest and second-highest value <200ml for FEV1 and FVC;


Difference between highest and second-highest FVC <200ml.


Reproducibility results not reported for FEV1 and FVC separately.


For pre- and postbronchodilator tests respectively.


For usual and trained practices respectively.


Reproducibility calculated without prior selection of acceptable blows according to 1994 American Thoracic Society spirometry guidelines.6

COPD = chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.