(A–D) Single confocal slices of NMJs triple stained with antibodies to HRP, DLG and (A, B) DFz2 or (C, D) Wg in (A, C) wild type and (B, D) Evi-RNAi-Post. (E) Wg and DFz2 immunoreactivity levels at the postsynaptic region. (F) Intensity of surface and internalized DFz2 at 5 and 60 min after the antibody-binding step in wild type and Evi-RNAi-post. (G–J) Single confocal slices of NMJs subjected to the internalization assay, showing (G1–J1) surface DFz2 and (G2–J2) internalized DFz2 (G, I) at 5 min and (H, J) 60 min after the antibody binding step, in (G, H) wild type, and (I, J) Evi-RNAi-post. (K, L) Confocal slices of muscle nuclei in preparations stained with anti-DFz2-C and Hoechst in (K) wild type and (L) evi mutants. (M) Normalized number of DFz2-C nuclear spots. Calibration bar is 10 µm for panels A-H1-2, I-L; 5 µm for panels A-D3-4.