Overall view of the SifA-SKIP(PH) complex. A, ribbon diagram of the SifA-SKIP(PH) complex, viewed in two orientations rotated by 90°. The SifA N- (residues 21–136) and C-terminal (residues 137–328) are shown in yellow and orange, respectively, and the SKIP(PH) (residues 772–876) is in green. The SifA conserved motifs WE(I/M)XXFF, which is important for translocation (13), and WXXXE, which has been proposed to mimic activated GTPase (16), are highlighted in pink and cyan, respectively. The Leu130 position buried at the complex interface is displayed in red. B, molecular surface of the complex (left), color-coded, and oriented as in the left view of panel A, with the surface buried at the complex interface shown in green. Close-up view (right) of key residues involved in the binding interface. C, mapping sequence conservation in the SifB homolog onto the molecular surface of SifA (yellow and orange for the N- and C-terminal domain), oriented as in the left view of panel A, with non-conserved side chains from the N- and C-terminal domain shown in pink and magenta, respectively. Small patches of non-conserved surface regions (pink) are located in the N-terminal domain and within the binding interface (green) while large patches of non-conserved surface regions (magenta) are clustered within the C-terminal domain. D, surface electrostatic potential map of SifA, oriented as in the right view of panel A, showing a dominant electronegative potential except for a large patch of electropositive potential clustered near the translocation motif in the N-terminal domain. Electrostatic surface potentials are contoured at −3/+3 kT/e electrostatic units (k, Boltzmann constant; T, temperature in Kelvin; e, electronic charge), where red describes a negative and blue a positive potential. The figures were generated with PyMOL (DeLano Scientific (2004), San Carlos, CA), and panel D was generated with the APBS plug-in for PyMOL.