BO-LHVS labeling of TgCPL knock-out strains. A, activity-based protein profiling gel analysis of parental and knock-out strains with BO-LHVS. Parasites were incubated without (−) or with (+) 200 nm BO-LHVS, lysed, and analyzed by SDS-PAGE and laser-scanning fluorometry. Note the lack of BO-LHVS reactivity in the 30 kDa region of RHΔcpl and Ku80Δcpl. Asterisks indicate minor bands reactive with BO-LHVS in all strains. B, APB microscopy analysis of parental and knock-out strains with BO-LHVS. Newly invaded parasites were incubated with 200 nm BO-LHVS, fixed with paraformaldehyde, and viewed by fluorescence microscopy. Note the labeling of structures in RH parasites (arrows) and lack of reactivity in RHΔcpl parasites. The inset shows an enlargement of a representative tachyzoite.