Model refinement statistics
Data set | Tgon077550AAB |
Resolution (Å) | 32.8–1.99 |
No. of reflections | 23,178 |
No. of reflections in test set | 1,186 |
Rwork | 0.165 |
Rfree | 0.206 |
RMSD bonds (Å) | 0.01 |
RMSD angles (degrees) | 1.16 |
Protein atoms | 2,370 |
Non-protein atoms | 174 |
Ramachandran statistics (%)a | |
Residues in favored regions | 96.6 |
Residues in allowed regions | 100 |
Unmodeled residuesb | −11-0, 105p–107p, 183p–198p, 1 |
TLS groups (residues)c | A: 2–15, 16–118, 119–135, 136–224; P: 108–123, 124–136, 137–168, 169–182 |
Mean Biso + BTLS protein atoms (Å2) | 30.9 |
Mean Biso non-protein atoms (Å2) | 26.7 |
Protein Data Bank entry | 3f75 |
a Determined using the MolProbity Server (50).
b Residues −11 to 0 are an N-terminal His tag and linker that replaced the first 104 propeptide residues of the full-length protein sequence (ToxoDB (39) accession number 645.m00037) during cloning.
c Determined using the TLSMD server (30).