Superimposed ABR waveforms for Slc4a11+/+ (left) and Slc4a11−/− (right) mice (2 ABR replicates/animal). Each cluster of three (Slc4a11+/+) or two (Slc4a11−/−) superimposed displays is ordered in decreasing stimulus level intensity (75, 65, and 55 db). The vertical arrow in the upper left marks the 1 ms end of stimulus artifact and actual arrival of sound at the ear. Age groupings are as follows. A, young (Slc4a11+/+, 115–181 days; Slc4a11−/−, 151–175 days); B, middle (Slc4a11+/+, 204–211 days; Slc4a11−/−, 200–211 days); C, old (Slc4a11+/+, 398–464 days; Slc4a11−/−, 386–455 days).