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. 2009 Dec 8;4(12):e8205. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0008205

Table 2. Summary of data from pregnancies included in this study.

Patient groups Term (V) Term (CS) Indicated preterm delivery (IUGR) (CS) PTL with intact membranes (V) PPROM (V) PPROM (CS)
Number (n) 10 11 8 19 15 11
Delivery method V ELCS ELCS (5) EMCS (3) V V EMCS
Median maternal age (y) 30.5 (22–36) 39(33–47) 33 (21–35) 34 (17–39) 30 (25–46) 35(26–40)
Median gestational age (wk) *P = 0.0001 39.9 (39.1–41.9) 38.9(38–39.9) 29.7 (27–31.3) 25 (22.1–31.1) 25.4(19.7–30.57) 27.3(24.1–32)
Median birth weight (g) *P = 0.0001 3360(2650–3880) 3500(2900–4436) 807.5 (722–1731) 753(451–1600) 840(340–1404) 870(600–2300)
Singleton % 100 100 75 63 80 55
Membrane rupture (d) 0 0 0 0 12 (2–45) 18(2–30)
Chorioamnionitis and/or funisitis n (%) ** ** 0 (0%) 13 (68%) 13 (87%) 9 (82%)

A total of 74 women were recruited into the following groups: term labour V or CS, preterm prolonged rupture of membranes (PPROM) V or CS, preterm labour with intact membranes (PTL) and indicated preterm deliveries (e.g. delivered by CS because of (IUGR) intrauterine growth restriction). The median and interquartile range for maternal age, gestational age, birth weight and membrane rupture are shown.

*Differences between the groups was analysed by the Kruskall Wallis test.

**Histological chorioamnionitis is not routinely assessed in term deliveries. (ELCS) elective caesarean section, (EMCS) emergency caesarean section, (V) vaginal delivery, (CS) caesarean section.