Estimates are based on the model and algorithm described in Section 3. Columns labeled MWS refer to the high efficiency cost/low redistribution end of the range of possible consequences of a ban on gender-based pricing. This obtains if the market implements the Miyazaki (1977), Wilson (1977), Spence (1978) equilibrium when gender-based pricing is banned. Columns labeled SS refer to the zero efficiency cost/high redistribution end of the range. This obtains if the market implements a pooled-fair full insurance “Social Security-like” outcome when gender-based pricing is banned. The MWS contracts are computed using Eq. (5) and the risk type-distributions estimated in Table 1, pooled across genders. Columns (1)–(6) are computed using Eq. (14) and columns (9)–(10) are computed using Eq. (15).