Acyl chain length selectivity of wild-type L. pneumophila PlaB. Cell lysates of Legionella pneumophila strain Corby wild-type (empty vector pBCKS), plaB1 (empty vector pBCKS) mutant, or the complementing strain plaB1 (pJB04), diluted prior to incubation as indicated, were exposed to various lipids ranging from 8 (1-monooctanoyllysophosphatidylcholine) to 12 (1-monolauroyllysophosphatidylcholine) to 16 (MPLPC) carbon atoms in chain length, and the release of fatty acids was quantified. As an internal control, DPPG, DPPC, and MPLPG were carried along under equal conditions. EV, empty vector pBCKS.