Fig. 1.
Dyn2-targeted siRNA inhibits epithelial monolayer formation and maintenance. (A) Blot analysis of cell lysate from MDCK cells transfected with Dyn2 or control siRNA. 1× or 2× indicates the number of times cells were subjected to siRNA transfection. (B) Maximum-intensity projection images of monolayers formed after transfection of MDCK cells in suspension with either control (Upper) or Dyn2 (Lower) siRNA and stained for ZO-1 (green) and actin (red). Note the severely disrupted tight junctions, increase in actin lateral staining, and lack of stress fibers in Dyn2 siRNA-treated cells. (C) Maximum intensity projection images of MDCK cells transfected in preformed monolayers with either control (Upper) or Dyn2 siRNA (Lower) and stained for ZO-1 (red) and Dynamin (green). Note the severely disrupted tight junctions in cells that do not stain for dynamin (Lower).