Table 1.
Evaluation design frame for interventions chosen
Interventions1,2 and Setting | Target Population3 | Cost Results | Key cost issues | ||
Gross Cost | Net Cost (Net Saving) | Cost Child4 | |||
1. Active After School Communities Program [Child Care 5]. Runs 8 weeks in each of the 4 school terms. | Primary school children in Prep to Grade 6 (age 5-11 years). Number ≈ 99 000 |
$40.3 m [UI: $28.6 m-$56.2 m]6 |
$36.5 m [UI: $24.9 m-$52.6 m] |
$407 | i) Extensive & "lumpy" salary costs, particularly for regional physical activity co-ordinators; ii) sub-optimal capacity utilisation; iii) cost data modelled, not empirically-based; and iv) BMI outcomes not commensurate with high cost structure. |
2. Multi-faceted program, including education to improve nutrition & increase physical activity, without an active physical education component [School-based]. | Children in primary school Grades 1 and 2 (commencing in Grade 1, age 6 years). Number ≈ 114 630 |
$24.3 m [UI: $12.6 m-$39.2 m] |
$9.0 m [UI: net saving of $9.1 m to net cost of $31.7 m] |
$211 | i) Costs over 2 year-period taken as representative 'annual cost' as reflects concomitant cohorts; ii) included central & school coordination costs for national program, but not teacher time (as integrated into curriculum); iii) assumed uptake by schools does not vary by type of school (public or private); and iv) parent involvement encouraged as part of program but not costed. |
3. Multi-faceted program, including education to improve nutrition & increase physical activity, with an active physical education component [School-based]. | Children in primary school Grades 1, 2 & 3 (commencing Grade 1, age 6 years). Number ≈ 114 630 |
$54.2 m [UI: $26.9 m-87.5 m) |
($14.0 m) [UI: net saving of $41.9 m to net cost of $1.3 m] |
$473 | i) Costs over 3 year-period taken as representative 'annual cost' as reflects concomitant cohorts; ii) included central & school coordination costs for national program, but not teacher time (as integrated into curriculum); iii) physical activity component may pose problem for primary schools without specialist physical education teachers; iv) assumed uptake by schools does not vary by type of school; and v) parent involvement encouraged but not costed. |
4. Multi-faceted program [School-based] targeted at overweight and obese children. |
Overweight or obese children aged 7-10 years (Grades 2-5) at combined primary/secondary school. Number ≈ 17 000 over 4 years (4 200 each year) |
$2.2 m [UI: $1.2 m to $4.1 m] |
($1.2 m) [UI: net saving of $5.7 m to net cost of $0.38 m] |
$129 | i) Modelled as implemented over 4 years rather than implementing it to everyone eligible every 4 years; ii) involves a peer-led program using 8th grade students, supported by counsellors, to help obese children in grades 2-5; iii) counsellors costed as publicly funded psychologists employed on part-time basis (different to trial). |
5. Education program to reduce consumption of carbonated (fizzy) drinks [School-based]. | Children in primary school 2 to 6 (age 7-11 years). Number ≈ 595 000 implemented over 5 years (119,000 each year) |
$16.6 m [UI: $7.6 m -$32.2 m] |
($26.7 m) [UI: net saving of $112.7 m to net cost of $32.0 m] |
$28 | i) Capacity calculated on seeing 1/5th of schools each year, not all schools every year; ii) assumes each child receives intervention once during primary school; and iii) assumption of no additional school staff costs as sessions presented by trained project staff. |
6. Education program to reduce TV viewing [School-based]. | Children in primary school Grades 3 & 4 (age 8-10 years). Number ≈ 268 600 |
$27.7 m [UI: $12.7 m -$43.3 m] |
($43.8 m) [UI: net saving of $81.8 m to net saving of $6.6 m] |
$103 | i) Modelling included national/state project officers to implement national program and full training costs for teachers, but not teacher time in the classroom (as integrated into curriculum); ii) 50% of schools participate in any one year; iii) assumed uptake by schools does not vary by type of school (public or private); and iv) parent involvement encouraged as part of program but not costed. |
7. TravelSmart Schools [Schools/neighbourhoods & community organisations7] | Children in primary school Grades 5 & 6 (age 10-11 years). Number ≈ 267 700 |
$13.3 m [UI: $6.9 m -$22.8 m] |
$12.58 m [UI: $6.1 m- $222.1 m] |
$50 | i) Large impact on cost-effectiveness from attributing a share of intervention costs to broader congestion, community & environmental objectives; ii) capacity utilisation not an issue for this intervention as 90% of costs are variable; and iii) cost data mostly modelled, not a strong empirical base. |
8. Walking School Bus [Schools/neighbourhoods & community organisations]. | Primary school children in Prep to Grade 2 (age 5-7 years). Number ≈ 7 840 |
$22.8 m [UI: $16.6 m-$30.9 m] |
$22.53 m [UI: $16.35 m- $30.47 m] |
$2908 | i) Extensive set-up & overhead costs; ii) poor capacity utilisation; iii) attribution of costs to non obesity objectives; iv) empirical data coming from early developmental period of WSB program in Vic, Australia. |
9. Reduction of TV advertising of high fat and/or high sugar foods & drinks to children [Media & marketing]. | All Australian children aged 5-14 years. Number ≈ 2.4 million |
$0.13 m [UI: $0.12 m-$0.14 m] |
($299 m) [UI: net saving of between $133 m- $484 m] |
$0.54 | Key issue is exclusion of costs other than cost of monitoring/enforcing compliance with revised regulation. Excluded costs include: changing the regulations; any additional food costs to families in switch from non-core to core; impact on revenue stream of advertising companies & producers of non-core foods. |
10. Family-based GP program targeted at overweight and moderately obese children [Primary care services g] |
Overweight or moderately obese children aged 5-9 years Number ≈ 9 685 |
$6.3 m [UI: $5.3 m-$7.4 m] |
$2.95 m [UI: net saving of $1.06 m to net cost of $7.0 m] |
$650 | i) Intervention design includes costs of family participation, but no additional benefits are included from weight loss to family members other than the child; ii) potential for piggy-backing this intervention into other GP-based interventions; iii) low % of fixed costs means cost drivers for affordability (patient numbers), do not impact much on cost-effectiveness; and iv) majority of cost incurred by government, but cost impact on family still significant, with time costs a major factor. |
11. Family-based targeted program for obese children [Primary care services9 + hospital setting delivery by multidisciplinary team] |
Obese children aged 10-11 years. Number ≈ 5 800 |
$11.0 m [UI: $6.8 m-$18.3 m] |
($4.0 m) [UI: net saving of $19.0 m to net cost of $2.4 m] |
$1,896 | i) Recruitment component adjusted from screening in schools in RCT, to opportunistic recruitment via GPs; ii) assumed 50% of 6,000 GPs already have calibrated scales and stadiometers necessary to measure weight; iii) 'intention to treat' approach adopted for costing (i.e. non completion still involved intervention costs), but full completion of visits required before benefits attributed. |
12. Orlistat therapy for obese adolescents [Primary care services9]. |
Obese adolescents aged 12-16 years. Number ≈ 3 256 |
$6.3 m [UI: $1.4 m-$20.0 m] |
$4.9 m [UI: $1.1 m-$15.9 m] |
$1,935 | i) Modelling incorporated opportunistic recruitment in Australian primary care setting (by GPs with dieticians providing dietary advice) and conservative adherence rates (65%); ii) only patients responsive to Orlistat assumed to continue past 2-week run-in period; iii) costs to parents in accompanying adolescent included; iv) high proportion of costs falling on patients/families (as Orlistat not on Pharmaceutical Benefits Schedule) impacts on access. |
13. Laparoscopic adjustable gastric banding (LAGB) for morbidly obese adolescents [Hospital10]. |
Severely obese adolescents, aged 14-19 years, with private health insurance Number ≈ 4 120 |
$130 m [UI: $52 m-$265 m] |
$53.4 m [UI: $20.1 m-$116.8 m] |
$31,553 | i) Definition of 'current practice'; ii) inclusion in costing of ongoing follow-up, including regular consultations and 2 LAGB replacements over lifetime; iii) cost data coming from early developmental period of LAGB (case series of 28 patients) extrapolated to eligible adolescent population; and iv) management of co-morbidities assumed to be same for intervention and comparator. |
Protocol issues common to all interventions: i) Inclusion of time costs for adults/carers, but not children/adolescents; ii) exclusion of production gains/loses; iii) exclusion of unrelated costs in rest of life; iv) 'steady-state' costing, with program modeled in accordance with efficacy potential, assuming trained staff and infrastructure available; v) costs offsets based on mean reduction in BMI continuing over life of the child; vi) early set-up & development costs excluded (i.e. costs incurred before intervention commences, such as development of training packages); vii) annuitisation of capital, including human capital costs like training; and viii) full pathway costing, including recruitment and coordination. |
1 Current practice comparator defined as "no intervention" as programs either focussed on children previously inactive and/or minimal activity previously existed.
2 The intervention period is defined as one representative year of "steady-state" operation, with "rest-of-life" modelling for all associated costs and benefits.
3 Number of children participating in the intervention based on Australian population figures in 2001 and likely take-up rates. For some interventions, not all of the children/adolescents participating receive a health benefit from the intervention.
4Cost per child estimates do not include cost offsets.
5 Includes child care centres, family day care and outside school hours care.
6 95% uncertainty interval
7 Includes State/Territory government, local government, community groups, recreation and sporting bodies, and private organisations.
8 Current regulations limit adverts to 5 minutes every 30 minutes during 5 hrs of designated child slots & prohibits advertisements during 2.5 hrs per week of designated pre-school timeslots.
9 Includes general medical practice (GPs), community health centres and other community-based and private-sector services.
10 The hospital setting was not included in 'Healthy Weight 2008' [21], but this clinical intervention was included in the project for purposes of comparison and benchmarking.