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. 2009 Nov 20;9:422. doi: 10.1186/1471-2458-9-422

Table 1.

Variable abbreviations

Abbreviation Definition (Unit)
MEI Multivariate El Nino-Southern Oscillation (ENSO) index
SLP Anomalous sea level pressure index (mb)
Tmean Monthly average mean daily temperature (°F)
Tmin Monthly average minimum daily temperature (°F)
Tmax Monthly average maximum daily temperature (°F)
Rh Monthly average daily relative humidity (%)
WDSP Monthly average mean daily wind speed (knots)
Case Monthly count of reported dengue cases (cases)
Pop Population (persons)
Pop density Population density (persons per square kilometer)
Epidemic Binary variable: 1 if the number of monthly dengue cases per 100,000 population > 10-year mean of the province; otherwise, the value is 0.
Lag1-12 Prior months, from 1 to 12
sin12 Oscillation function sin (2πt/T), T (period) = 12 months
cos12 Oscillation function cos (2πt/T), T (period) = 12 months