Functional cardiogenesis derived from 3F-iPS. A, Derived from two independently isolated clones, embryoid bodies (EB) increasingly demonstrated beating areas between day 7 and 11 of differentiation. The presence of area actively contracting coincided with positive immunostaining for cardiac protein α-actinin (inset, bar 10 μm). B, Synchronized contractile activity (rectangles; top) was detected within adjacent EB (bottom). C, Electron microscopy of 3F-iPS derived cardiomyocytes (CM) revealed morphological changes from compacted colonies to rod-shaped cardiomyocyte-like cells (top). High density contractile proteins were found in organizing sarcomeres (middle) as well as gap junction structures between adjacent cells (bottom). D, Immunostaining demonstrated presence of contractile protein alpha actinin in combination with cardiac transcription factor Mef2c (top), and gap junction-protein connexin 43 (bottom). E, Action potentials were recorded in beating cells using patch clamp in the current clamp mode. DAPI: 4,6'-diamidino-2-phenylindole.