In situ localization of NLY transcripts in: (a) female LSTB during initiation of axillary apices on the side of apical meristem. (×40.); (b) differentiating SCB with initiating bract primordia (arrowheads). (×80.); (c) SCB with developed bract primordia (arrowheads) (stage 1). (×50.); (d) SCB with initiating ovuliferous scale primordia (arrowheads) (stage 2). (×200.); (e) SCB with developed fused bract-ovuliferous scale primordia complex (ovuliferous scale primordia indicated with arrowheads) (stage 3). (×100.); (f) PCB with initiating microsporophylls (stage 1). (×200.); (g) PCB after completion of microsporophyll initiation (stage 2). (×60.); (h) vegetative LSTB during initiation of undifferentiated axillary apices. (×40.); (i) DSB with initiating needle primordia (arrowheads). (×90.); (j) DSB with developing needle primordia (arrowheads). (×45.) am, apical meristem; bp, bract primordia; fc, fertile cataphylls; pmc, pollen mother cells; sc, sterile cataphylls; spc, sporogenous cells