Integration sites of four temperate Listeria phages. The nucleotide sequences of the phage attachment sites (attP), the corresponding bacterial attachment sites (attB) in lysogenized host strains, and the corresponding sequences retrieved from sequenced Listeria genomes are aligned. The core sequences of the attachment sites are indicated with light gray boxes. The genome positions (nucleotide coordinates) of the displayed fragment are indicated on the right. The attachment sites of phages A500, A006, and B025 are all located at the 3′ ends of tRNA genes, shown in panels A, B, and C (underlined). The predicted cloverleaf structures of the tRNAs encoded by attB site genes are shown in panels E (A500), F (A006), and G (B025). The anticodons are circled, and attP/attB core sequences are indicated by dotted lines. Phage B054 (D) integrates into the 3′ end of translation elongation factor gene tsf (dashed line).