β-Catenin signaling alters laminar positions of cortical neurons. A–C, E13.5 embryos were electroporated with Δ90β-catenin-GFP (n = 4 brains) (A), DNTCF4-GFP (n = 3 brains) (B), or GFP control (n = 4) (C), along with pCAG-mCherry, and killed at E19.5. Electroporated cells were identified using antibody staining against GFP and sections counterstained with the DNA dye DAPI (A–C). To quantify changes in cortical positioning of electroporated cells, 10 equally sized bins were drawn over each image covering the complete cortical plate. Each dot corresponds with the soma of an electroporated cell (A′–C′). D–F, The fraction of the total GFP+ cells in each of the 10 bins was then graphed for the three experimental conditions. Bin 1 corresponds to the section of the cortical plate closest to the pial surface, while bin 10 is adjacent to the white matter tracts. G, Data from D–F in a cumulative view. The x axis denotes the fraction of the total area of cortical plate (measured from the pia) included for a given data point. For example, data points at 0.4 on the x axis refer to the fraction of all electroporated cells that reside in the top 40% of the cortical plate. Scale bars, 100 μm. Brackets indicate SEM. EPed, Electroporated.