Figure 4.
Secondary structure assignment (dssp) calculated according to Ref. 42 for TC5b simulated without urea (upper two left panels) and with 6M urea (bottom two left panels) at 278 K (upper panels) and at 360 K (lower panels). A black line represents a 310-helix, a red line an α-helix, a green line a π-helix, a blue line a bend, magenta a beta-bridge, maroon a beta-strand, and a yellow line a turn. Atom-positional root-mean-square fluctuations (rmsf's) of the Cα atoms of TC5b obtained using translational superposition of centers of mass and rotational fitting of only the backbone atoms of the α-helix calculated for the simulations without urea (upper two right panels) and with 6M urea (bottom two right panels).