Spectra for matched and mismatched windowed signals are given in the form level (dB) ∣ phase (degrees). (a) Spectrum of the standard unlimited-duration signal from Eq. 20. The experimenter wants to preserve this spectrum. The amplitudes from the second line are converted to levels in decibels for better comparison with other parts of the table. Step 1: Row (a) is also the spectrum of the rectangularly-windowed signal. Step 2: Row (b) is the spectrum of the windowed signal with mismatched window and waveform. Step 3: Row (c) is the spectrum of the windowed signal with matched window and waveform. Row (d) is the spectrum of the windowed signal with the 500-Hz component shifted by 180° using mismatched window and waveform. The levels are computed with respect to the largest component in row (b) to make the binaural comparison correct. Row (e) is the spectrum of the windowed signal with the 500-Hz component shifted by 180° using a matched window and waveform.