Primary and secondary structure of microplusin-like peptides. Alignment of sequences of R. (B.) microplus microplusin and other homologous sequences from several tick species. Residue numbers over the sequences refer to R. (B.) microplus microplusin mature peptide and were used throughout this report. Numbers at left and right of the sequences indicate the positions of the first and last amino acid, respectively, in the coding sequence. Color coding: yellow are hydrophobic, green are basic, brown are acid or polar, and blue are proline, glycine, or cysteine residues. Secondary structure topology as determined by NMR data is indicated in yellow, and amino acids present in helices are boxed. GI entry codes for sequences are as follows: R. (B.) microplus 28864185, A. hebraeum 40888893, A. monolakensis 114153066, O. parkeri 149287050, O. coriaceus 172051120, I. scapularis 215501519, and I. ricinus 82494339.