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. 2009 Dec;183(4):1397–1419. doi: 10.1534/genetics.109.110171


GFP∷PGL-1 screen positives

Gene name Wormbase ID Gene class codec GFP∷PGL-1 in the P0 germ line
GFP∷PGL-1 in F1 embryos
PGL-1 phenotype preceded by general embryo defects? Endogenous PGL-1
Description Altered level Altered pattern Altered leveld Altered pattern Stained Same as GFP
adr-1 H15N14.1 RNA adenosine deaminase Abnormal Yes
air-1 K07C11.2 Aurora kinase C Low Diffuse Yes
apc-2 K06H7.6 Anaphase-promoting complex 2 U Low Diffuse Yes
arl-1 F54C9.10 GTP-binding ADP-ribosylation factor G Diffuse Yes
atx-2 D2045.1a Ataxin-related protein Low Diffuse No X X
bir-1 T27F2.3 Aurora B kinase complex C Low No X X
cct-2 T21B10.7 Cytosolic “T complex” chaperonin T Diffuse No X X
cct-3 F54A3.3 Cytosolic T complex chaperonin T Low Diffuse Yes
cct-7 T10B5.5 Cytosolic T complex chaperonin T Low Yes
cct-8 Y55F3AR.3ab Cytosolic T complex chaperonin T Low Diffuse Yes X X
cdc-25.1 K06A5.7 Cell division cycle 25.1 phosphatase C Low Diffuse. Puncta in multiple cells No X X
cdc-42 R07G3.1 Cell division cycle 42 Rho GTPase C Low Diffuse No X
cdk-1 T05G5.3 Cyclin-dependent kinase 1 C Low Diffuse Yes
cdk-9 H25P06.2 Cyclin-dependent kinase 9 C Low or und. Yes X X
ceh-21 T26C11.6 ONECUT class homeobox protein Low No X
cgh-1 C07H6.5 Germ-line DEAD-box RNA helicase Low No X X
cpf-2 F56A8.6 Cleavage and polyadenylation factor S Low Diffuse in P cells No X
cpl-1 T03E6.7 Cathepsin L-like cysteine protease 1 Low Diffuse Yes
csr-1 F20D12.1 Secondary RNA slicing Argonaute High Large granules High No X X
cyb-3 T06E6.2 Cyclin B3 protein Low Diffuse Yes
cyk-4 K08E3.6 Rho GTPase-activating protein (GAP) C Und. Yes
cyp-31A3 Y17G9B.3 CYP7B1 homolog —vitamin D deficiency Low Abnormal No X X
dhc-1 T21E12.4 Dynein heavy chain C Diffuse Yes
dlc-1 T26A5.9 Dynein light chain N Low Yes
dnc-1 ZK593.5 Dynactin/GLUED orthologs C Low Yes X X
dom-6 C09G4.3 Cks/Suc1 ortholog. promotes cyclin B degradation C Low Diffuse Yes X X
dpf-1 T23F1.7 Prolyl oligopeptidase Low Diffuse No X
dyci-1 C17H12.1 Dynein cytoplasmic intermediate chain Diffuse Yes
eft-1 ZK328.2 Tu domain containing elongation factor High Diffuse High in P cells Diffuse in soma No X X
egg-3 F44F4.2 Protein–tyrosine phosphatase C Low Diffuse Yes
egl-45 C27D11.1 Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit 10 R Low or und. No X X
eif-3.F D2013.7 Eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit 5 R Low No X X
elc-1 Y82E9BR.15 Elongin C U Undetectable Und. Yes X X
emb-9 K04H4.1 Collagen Low No X
fbxa-81 T24C2.4 F-box domain U Low No X
fbxb-51 K05F6.3 F-box domain U High High in P cells Large granules No X X
fbxb-60 F55C9.7 F-box domain U High No X
flp-13 F33D4.3 FMRF-like amide neurotransmitter High High in P cells Diffuse in soma No X
glb-27 W01C9.5 Unknown Low No X
gon-1 F25H8.3 Secreted metalloprotease (MPT) Low Diffuse No X X
gsk-3 Y18D10A.5 Glycogen synthase kinase required for polarization of EMS and P2 blastomeres C Low Diffuse in multiple cells Yes
his-40 K03A1.1 Similarity to histones (pseudogene?) Diffuse in P cells Yes
his-48 B0035.8 H2B histone Low Yes
hsp-6 C37H5.8 HSP70-like mitochondrial chaperone Low No X
ify-1 C27A2.3 Ligand of Fizzy protein. Securin? C Diffuse Yes
imb-4 ZK742.1 Exportin-1/CRM1 nuclear exportin N Diffuse in P cells No X X
imb-5 Y48G1A.5ab CSE1/CAS-like nuclear importin N Diffuse in P cells No X X
inx-8 ZK792.2 Innexin/GAP junction component Low No X
let-70 M7.1 E2 ubiquitin-conjugating enzyme U Low Diffuse Yes
let-711 F57B9.2 NOT1 deadenylation component High Diffuse High No X X
let-92 F38H4.9 Catalytic subunit of PP2A phosphatase Diffuse Yes X X
let-99 K08E7.3 DEP domain. Spindle orientation C Low No X X
lin-41 C12C8.3 RING finger B box coiled-coil protein Low in some No X
lmn-1 DY3.2 Nuclear type B lamin N Diffuse in P cells No X X
mag-1 R09B3.5 Mago nashi. Exon–exon junction factor S Low in some No X
mbk-2 F49E11.1 Minibrain DYRK2 kinase C Low No X X
mcm-2 Y17G7B.5 MCM licensing factor 2 M Low Diffuse in P cells Yes X X
mcm-4 Y39G10AR.14 MCM licensing factor 4 M Low Diffuse in P cells, puncta in soma Yes X X
mcm-5 R10E4.4 MCM licensing factor 5 M Diffuse in P cells Yes X X
mcm-6 ZK632.1 MCM licensing factor 6 M Diffuse in P cells, high puncta in soma Yes X X
mcm-7 F32D1.10 MCM licensing factor 7 M Diffuse in P cells Yes X X
mdt-6 Y57E12AL.5 Transcriptioinal mediator Med6-like Low Diffuse Yes
mel-26 ZK858.4 Adaptor of the E3 ubiquitin ligase U Diffuse Yes
mix-1 M106.1 SMC2-like condensing complex factor Low No X
nmy-2 F20G4.3 Nonmuscle myosin II C Low Diffuse Low Diffuse Yes X X
npp-10 ZK328.5 NUP98-like nucleoporin N Diffuse in P cells No X X
npp-20 Y77E11A.13 Nucleoporin N Low Diffuse Yes X X
npp-6 F56A3.3 NUP160-like nucleoporin N Diffuse in P cells No X X
npp-7 T19B4.2 Nucleoporin N Diffuse in P cells No X X
npp-9 F59A2.1 Nucleoporin N Diffuse in P cells No X X
paa-1 F48E8.5 Regulatory subunit of PP2A phosphatase Diffuse Yes X X
par-1 H39E23.1 Serine/threonine kinase C Low or und. Diffuse No X X
par-2 F58B6.3 C3HC4-type RING-finger protein C Low or und. Yes
par-5 M117.2 14-3-3-containing protein C Low Diffuse No X X
par-6 T26E3.3 PDZ-domain-containing protein C Low or und. Diffuse Yes
pas-4 C36B1.4 α4 20S proteasome core subunit P Low or und. Yes X X
pas-5 F25H2.9 α5 20S proteasome core subunit P Low or und. Yes
pbs-1 K08D12.1 β1 20S proteasome core subunit P Low Diffuse Yes X X
pbs-3 Y38A8.2 β3 20S proteasome core subunit P Und. in some Yes
pbs-4 T20F5.2 β4 20S proteasome core subunit P Diffuse Yes
pbs-5 K05C4.1 β5 20S proteasome core subunit P Diffuse Low Diffuse Yes X X
pbs-6 C02F5.9 β6 20S proteasome core subunit P Diffuse Yes
pbs-7 F39H11.5 β7 20S proteasome core subunit P Diffuse Yes
pgl-1 ZK381.4 RGG box motifs. Und. No
phi-10 Y46G5A.4 DEAD-box RNA helicase BRR2 S High High No X X
phi-12 M03F8.3 HAT repeat. mRNA splicing S Low No X X
phi-21 T05H4.6 Translation release factor Low Diffuse No X X
phi-6 K02F2.3 snRNP-associated factor S High High in P cells Diffuse in soma No X X
phi-62 F49C12.12 Unknown Low No? X X
phi-7 D1081.8 mRNA splicing protein CDC5 (Myb) S High Diffuse High in P cells No X X
plk-1 C14B9.4 Serine/threonine polo-like kinase C Low Diffuse Yes X X
pri-1 F58A4.4 DNA Pol α-primase subunit D Low No X X
prp-8 C50C3.6 U5 snRNA-associated splicing factor S High Diffuse High Diffuse No X X
prs-1 T20H4.3 Proline tRNA ligase Low No? X X
puf-3 Y45F10A.2 PUF family RNA-binding protein Diffuse No X X
ran-1 K01G5.4 RAN-associated GTP-binding protein N Low Diffuse No X X
ran-4 R05D11.3 Nuclear transport factor 2 (NTF2) N Low Diffuse in P cells No X X
rnp-4 R07E5.14 Exon–exon junction complex factor S Diffuse in P cells Yes
rnr-1 T23G5.1 Ribonucleotide reductase Low or und. Diffuse in P cells No X X
rnr-2 C03C10.3 Ribonucleotide reductase Diffuse in P cells No X X
rpa-1 F18A1.5 Large subunit of replication protein A Diffuse in P cells, high puncta in soma Yes
rpb-2 C26E6.4 RNA Pol II β-subunit Diffuse in P cells Yes X X
rpl-12 JC8.3 Ribosomal protein large subunit 12 R Low No X
rpl-18 Y45F10D.12 Ribosomal protein large subunit 18 R Low Yes X X
rpl-20 E04A4.8 Ribosomal protein large subunit 18a R Low No X X
rpl-36 F37C12.4 Ribosomal protein large subunit 36 R Low No X X
rpn-1 T22D1.9a Proteasome regulatory particle P Diffuse Yes
rpn-11 K07D4.3 Proteasome regulatory particle P Diffuse in P cells Yes
rpn-3 C30C11.2 Proteasome regulatory particle P Diffuse Yes
rps-0 B0393.1 Ribosomal protein small subunit 2A R Low No X X
rps-20 Y105E8A.16 Ribosomal protein small subunit 20 R Low Yes
rps-22 F53A3.3 Ribosomal protein small subunit 15a R Low No X X
rps-24 T07A9.11 Ribosomal protein small subunit 24 R Low No X
rps-3 C23G10.3a Ribosomal protein small subunit 3 R Low No X
rps-5 T05E11.1 Ribosomal protein small subunit 5 R Low No X
rps-8 F42C5.8b Ribosomal protein small subunit 8 R Low Diffuse Yes
rps-9 F40F8.10 Ribosomal protein small subunit 9 R Low No X X
rpt-1 C52E4.4 Proteasome regulatory particle P Low Diffuse Yes
rpt-3 F23F12.6 Proteasome regulatory particle P Diffuse Yes
rpt-5 F56H1.4 Proteasome regulatory particle P Diffuse Yes
rsp-7 D2089.1 SR protein (splicing factor) 7 S Low Diffuse in P cells No X X
ruvb-1 C27H6.2 RuvB-like DNA helicase Low No X
ruvb-2 T22D1.10 RuvB-like DNA helicase Low No X
scp-1 D2013.8 WD repeat, sreb cleavage protein G Low in some No X
skp-1 T27F2.1 SKI-binding protein (SKIP) orthologs S High High Diffuse in soma No X X
snr-2 W08E3.1 Core splicesome component S Low Yes
spd-5 F56A3.4 Dynein heavy chain 1 C Diffuse Yes
sqv-6 Y50D4C.4 Xylosyltransferase C Low or und. Yes
srh-81 W03F9.7 Serpentine receptor class H Low No X
sri-25 C41G6.10 Serpentine receptor class I Low No X
srj-6 F31F4.8 Serpentine receptor class J Low No X
sru-41 Y51H7BR.6 Serpentine receptor class U Low No X
srx-38 C03A7.5 Serpentine receptor class X Low No X
tag-198 F09G8.2 Putative DNase II Low No X
tag-49 AC7.1 G-protein receptor Low No X X
tbb-2 C36E8.5 β-Tubulin Diffuse Yes X X
tbg-1 F58A4.8 γ-Tubulin C Low Yes
ttr-14 T05A10.3 Transthyretin-related family domain Low No X
uba-1 C47E12.5 Ubiquitin UBA1/UBE1 related U Low Diffuse Yes X X
ubl-1 H06I04.4 Ribosomal S31 fused to ubiquitin U Low Diffuse Low Diffuse No X X
unc-112 C47E8.7 PH domain mitogen-inducible gene-2 Low No X
unc-32 ZK637.8 Vacuolar ATPase subunit V Low Yes
vha-13 Y49A3A.2 Vacuolar ATPase subunit V Low Yes X X
vha-19 Y55H10A.1 Vacuolar ATPase subunit V Low Yes
vha-2 R10E11.2 Vacuolar ATPase subunit V Low No X X
vps-11 R06F6.2 Vacuolar protein sorting factor V Low No X
zen-4 M03D4.1 Plus-end kinesin-like motor protein C Und. Yes
zyg-9 F22B5.7 Microtubule-association protein C Low Diffuse Yes
AT-rich areaa Low No X
B0361.10 SNARE synaptobrevin/VAMP G Low No X
C01G10.14 Major sperm protein (MSP) domain Low No X
C06A5.1 Putative integrator complex subunit S Low in late embryo Yes X X
C34D1.2 DM DNA-binding domain Low No X
C35A5.4 Major sperm protein (MSP) domain Low No X
C41G7.3 TSPO homolog. Putative cholesterol transporter High in P cells Large granules in early embryo No X X
C42D4.13 Unknown Low No X
F01G4.3 DEAD/DEAH box helicase domain Low Diffuse No X
F15E11.5a Unknown Low No X
F22B5.10 TMCO1 homolog C Und. in some No X X
F29G6.1 Serine protease inhibitor domain Low Diffuse No X
F55C5.7 Protein kinase, MIT, PX domains Low No X
F59D6.7 Calcium-binding pH regulator Low No X
F59E10.3 ζ-Subunit of coatomer (COPI) G Low Diffuse Low No X
F59E12.11a Unknown Diffuse No X X
K06H7.1 Serine/threonine protein kinase Low Diffuse Yes
K12H4.3 rRNA maturation of 60S ribosome Low No X
T03G6.3 Phosphodiesterase Low No X
T04A8.7 Glucosidase acid β-orthologs Low or und. No X X
T06E6.1 Possible 60S ribosomal Nop7 factor Low No X
T12D8.6 Calmodulin containing Low or und. Yes
T19C3.6 Unknown Low No X
Y47D3A.29 DNA polymerase primase Low Diffuse in P cells Yes





Targeted gene originally misannotated in Ahringer RNAi Library. Correct sequenced target is shown.


Gene obtained more than once in the screen.


Gene class letter code (see Table 2).


Und., undetectable.