Figure 3.
Smoking responsiveness of oxidant-related genes expressed in the small airway epithelium and alveolar macrophages of healthy nonsmokers (n = 19) and healthy smokers (n = 30). A. Smoking responsiveness of expressed oxidant-related genes in small airway epithelium. B. Smoking responsiveness of expressed oxidant-related genes in alveolar macrophages. For both A and B, the ordinate shows p value and the abscissa shows fold-change. Each data point represents 1 oxidant-related gene. Grey = oxidant-related genes that are not significantly changed (p > 0.05 and/or fold-change up or down <1.5) in small airway epithelium or alveolar macrophages of normal smokers compared to normal nonsmokers. Blue = oxidant-related genes that are smoking responsive or significantly changed (p < 0.05, fold change up or down ≥1.5) in the small airway epithelium; red = oxidant-related genes that are smoking responsive or significantly changed in alveolar macrophages of healthy smokers compared to healthy nonsmokers.