(A) Stem inoculation of WT and transgenic plants by Ppn mycelium. Ten-week-old plants were cut off 7 cm below the apex, and the cut stem section was inoculated with a pad of Ppn race 0 mycelium. After 84 h, the stems were sectioned longitudinally and the lesions caused by the fungus were observed. From left to right: inoculated WT-susceptible 49-10 stems showing large, dark-brown rotted lesions; transgenic AS-LOX 46-8 stems (IPM125-1 retained as an example) displaying a susceptible phenotype; inoculated WT-resistant 46-8 stems, devoid of lesions and only exhibiting faint localized necrosis. (B) Measurement of stem lesions. Ten-week-old control (46-8 WT and IPM0, black bars) and transgenic (IPM120-1 to -4 and 125-1 to -4, gray bars) plants were stem-inoculated and the lesion length was measured on longitudinal stem sections. Each bar represents the size of the lesion measured on one individual. Significance was determined by repeated-measures ANOVA and Tukey’s HSD test. Significant difference from the controls: ∗, P < 0.05; ∗∗, P < 0.001.