Dissociable neural priming effects due to stimulus repetition and stimulus-decision repetition. (A) The contrast of Novel > Within-Task trials, rendered on an inflated MNI canonical surface, revealed neural priming effects in a priori predicted left fronto-temporal regions (p < .001, 5-voxel extent). (B) Stimulus-level repetition reductions (Novel > all Repeated, p < .001, 5-voxel extent; red) were observed in left anterior VLPFC, left middle temporal cortex, and left fusiform regions. By contrast, decision-level repetition reductions (AT-RR > Within-Task, p < .001, 5-voxel extent; cyan) were observed in left mid/post-VLPFC. (C) Data extracted from (1) left anterior VLPFC (−42, 33, −3), (2) left middle temporal cortex (−54, −42, 3), and (3) left fusiform (−45, −63, −24) ROIs identified in the Novel > all Repeated contrast confirmed that these regions demonstrated neural priming across all three repeated conditions. (D) Data extracted from (4) left mid-VLPFC (−51, 36, 12) and (5) left mid/post-VLPFC (−45, 15, 24) ROIs from the AT-RR > Within-Task contrast confirmed that these regions demonstrated decision-specific neural priming for Within-Task trials. [Note: For (C) and (D), neural priming relative to Novel trials is denoted ***p ≤ .005, **p < .01, *p < .05, ~p < .10]. (E) The regions associated with stimulus and stimulus-decision priming dissociated according to whether neural priming was observed on Across-Task trials (Novel – Across-Task; ***p < .005). [Note: The left post-VLPFC region identified in both the Novel > all Repeated and AT-RR > Within-Task contrasts (−45, 9, 21; (B) purple) showed a mixed decision/response pattern.]